Monday, 16 June 2008

Happy Days

The paper is coming along nicely at the moment but, on a complete tangent, a few things which are making me happy at the moment:

My perceptive £5 on Croatia to win EURO 2008
Having the thrilling Dutch as my team in the Crawley News sweepstake for the above tournament
Kevin Pietsersen's incredible "reverse hitting" in the cricket yesterday
Ice-cold Strongbow cider
The joys of shopping for a new bathroom (I never knew taps could be so much fun)
The new 'Crawley News' frisbees we've had delivered to the office. Much better than the pens, which are about as robust as a feather in a gale.

Back to the paper, last week was probably one of the most dramatic and busiest here for a long time.
This week has been calmer, but there are still a few things bubbling under the surface including our likely front page, a story sure to enrage and worry parents in equal measure.