Friday 14 March 2008

Junk Mail

Every now and then, our group editor Ian Carter likes to use his blog (see - do I get a pay rise for that boss?) to list a few 'highlights' from his inbox.
One of my first jobs every morning is to sort the wheat from the chaff in my email inbox. For every great story or letter, I get a dozens of pieces of bilge trying to flog me viagra, some terminally-dull business email filled with corporate speak or a 'letter' from some Z-list celeb, endorsing a product or another ridiculous cause.
Only from doing this job, for instance, do I know that Keith Chegwin was the official backer of National Chip Week recently.
Just to prove a point, here are a few items which have dropped into my inbox today:

'Design Agency Re-Brands Global Roofing Company'
'March's Healthy Hydration Tip from Direct Water Coolers'
'BFI announces two regional partner Mediatheques on anniversary of London launch' (What?!)
'Letter from Sally Gunnell OBE'

Do you think she personally wrote the letter? Does Cheggers really like chips? Who knows. Frankly, who cares.
Not me. If you are from a PR company and are reading this, please stop sending me your guff.
Moan over, this week's paper is already looking promising, which puts me in a much better mood for a weekend of watching football and celebrating my friend's birthday with a meal and a beer or three.