Monday, 31 March 2008


A first day back after a week off is never pleasant, but mine has been even more hectic than usual.

As of about 10pm last night, I was standing on a grass verge outside Gatwick Airport, with smoke pouring from my car, watching the town's finest firefighters push my four wheels out of the entrance to the Hilton Hotel.

Having been away from Crawley for a week, my first trip back to the town was about eight hours earlier than anticipated - sitting in my car as it was being towed along the A23, feeling cold, depresssed and slightly embarassed that I'd enlisted the help of our brave emergency services for what turned out to be "a bit of condensation".

To be fair, I thought it was smoke but whatever the problem, it's still cost me a neat £135 to get it fixed, not to mention a morning of unwanted hassle.

Things, as the great D-Ream once sang, can only get better.