Friday, 7 March 2008

Rude health

Yesterday I met with the communications officer from East Surrey Hospital.
Regular readers of the Crawley News will know East Surrey hasn't exactly had a good press recently - and why would it, its performance has been appalling in recent times.
Take a look at the homepage of our website and you will see a stinging attack from Francis Maude MP, about the current state of the hospital.
The communications officer assured me that things are on the up. The formerly cash-strapped hospital is set to break-even this year and is on target to get a better rating in the annual health check report.
Hard work is clearly going on behind the scenes but there is more to do if this hospital is to climb off its sick bed and convince patients it is on the up.
Judging by Mr Maude's comments - politically motivated or not - he is going to take even more convincing.