Monday, 14 July 2008

I survived!

Today I'm not just the content editor of the Crawley News - I'm also the town's 414th best distance runner.
Well, sort of anyway.
This was my position in yesterday's St Catherine's 10k run.
Not that impressive considering just over 600 people took part but still, I was happy to finish with my pride, if not my body, intact.
Special mention should go to the News' very own action man Sam Munnery, who finished in 14th place - a full 400 positions in front of me.
Reporter Michael Connellan achieved an altogether different sort of 'distinction' on the day but I'll preserve his modesty on this public forum.
All in all, a great day, super atmosphere and hopefully, lots of money raised for St Catherine's.
Keep an eye on this website today for plenty of pictures and news from the event.