Thursday, 3 July 2008

Running scared

It seemed like such a good idea at the time.
At the turn of the year, I committed myself to taking part in the Crawley 10k run in aid of the brilliant St Catherine's Hospice.
I'm no runner but it would get me fit, it was for a great cause and, of course, my Crawley News comrades would be running with me every step of the way.
Or not.
One by one, they've all been dropping like flies - some are on holiday, others preferring to enter the 3k fun run instead (fun runs are for girls, I say)
Now, thanks to reporter Alex Morrison's gammy leg, it looks like I could be on my tod come July 13.
Even worse, there have been some ridiculous suggestions floating around the office that I should wear some sort of funny wig or fancy dress, as if I won't look enough of a clown trying to run already.
As it stands I'm panting my way through 6 and 7k runs but 10k?
For the sake of those kind enough to sponsor me, I really hope so.